Friday, 29 January 2010

Leaded top light - Honor Oak, SE23

To complement the clients' new lighting, this sea/sky panel using mainly Corella and Spectrum Waterglass, with a deliberate mixture of lead widths replaced a plain glass panel above the front door. The old glass was removed and a double glazed sealed unit installed in the opening. The new leaded panel was then fitted next to this, and secured with new beading.

Fitted January 2010.
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Stockwell - Leaded door and fanlight set

This set replaced plain glass in the fanlight and plain etched glass in the door, with a pattern produce from one suggested by the clients. We considered a purple/lavendar colour scheme for the flowers and buds, but settled on the red/pink for greater impact.

Fitted Jan 2010.
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Sunday, 17 January 2010

Herne Hill Replica Stained Glass

Well, its almost a replica - we modified the pattern for the central panel slightly, but the main motif in the door and the side panels are faithfull to the patterns in neighbouring properties. There is a mixture of glass, with the uncoloured being English Muffle. 6 and 8mm wide lead is used. Our clients, who are rennovating the house, were kind enought to say 'Thanks for our amazing new windows and all your hard work' - its always nice to be appreciated!

Fitted, between the snowy spells in January 2010.
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Blackheath Leaded Glass Panels

This pair of panels was fitted in time for Christmas 2009, for a client for whom we had worked previously. We like the double border, which gives good definition to the panels, which are made mainly in the pastel tints of English Muffle glass.  Waterglass is sued for the amber petals of the central flowers.
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